Friday, October 26, 2018


This my bird picture. I found a picture of a tucon on the internet. Then I got feathers off the internet and then moved them to Adobe Photoshop and added them to my bird. I kept on doing this and then finished up all of the feathering to the bird. Then I added a back round to it and made it so the bird was in the actual jungle.

Monday, October 15, 2018

Waldo as Shane

This my Where's Shane project that I have been working on for the last week or 2 and it will be a challenge to find me. I photoshopped my face onto a waldo and added it to photoshop. Then i found things on the internet and then added those to the photoshop app.

Monday, October 8, 2018

Durer Cat Pic

This is my Durur picture. I chose cats to be in my picture because I really love cats and I would really like to make an art piece about them. These aren't my cats though, just to make it clear. I took a a picture of the cats and then I cropped them in. Then i used filter gallery and changes the mood of the cats to a duller more grey-ish picture. Then I changed the back round to a more dull color so it can match the cats.

Thursday, October 4, 2018

Edward Gory pic

This is my Edward Gory assignment. I choose to rime my name with Crane because what we are suposed to do is to rime our names with something else, like shane rimes with, plane, crane, cane, ect...